Cancel order - You may cancel your order by giving us notice of cancellation within 10 days of the date of order, this notice may be given by, e-mail or telephone. On cancellation, for whatever reason, you must return the goods to us at your cost within 10 days. Your payment (including the cost of sending the item or items to you) will then be refunded. Items that were ordered from our suppliers specifically for you (i.e.: non stock items) may incur an additional 10% re-stocking charge.
Faulty goods - You should notify us of faulty goods received within 10 days of the date of receipt, this notice may be given by, e-mail or telephone. You must return the goods to us within 10 days. The item may be replaced or your payment including all delivery costs will be refunded.
Made to order - We cannot normally accept returns on any items which have been specifically been made to order (such as a paramotor). However this will be reviewed on a case by case basis. In the case of items that were made to order we aim to refund the value of the item minus any expenses incurred by us in supplying the item. Note: If the item has been used the value will be less than when new and unused.
Paramotors which are not made to order and bought on line are subject to Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2002, (DSRs). Should you change your mind and decide you no longer want your paramotor then you may return it during the 7 day "cooling off period" which commences from the day you take delivery of it your payment will be refunded providing it is returned in 'as new' condition, refunds will be subject to a re-stockingdeliver charge. DSR's apply to online sales only.